Oceania Countries by population (2023)

Click on each country to view current estimates (live population clock), historical data, list of countries, and projected figures.

Updated on July 16, 2023 with the latest
July 2023-July 2024 estimates from the 2022 U.N. Revision
# Country (or dependency) Population
Land Area
Pop %
1 Australia 26,439,111 1.00 % 261,698 3 7,682,300 139,991 1.6 38 86 % 0.33 %
2 Papua New Guinea 10,329,931 1.85 % 187,312 23 452,860 -800 3.1 22 12 % 0.13 %
3 New Zealand 5,228,100 0.83 % 42,812 20 263,310 12,999 1.8 37 82 % 0.06 %
4 Fiji 936,375 0.71 % 6,609 51 18,270 -3,289 2.4 27 59 % 0.01 %
5 Solomon Islands 740,424 2.23 % 16,151 26 27,990 -1,600 3.9 19 24 % 0.01 %
6 Micronesia 544,321 0.98 % 5,308 778 700 -1,642 2.7 26 71 % 0.01 %
7 Vanuatu 334,506 2.38 % 7,766 27 12,190 0 3.7 20 24 % 0.00 %
8 French Polynesia 308,872 0.85 % 2,593 84 3,660 -100 1.7 34 59 % 0.00 %
9 New Caledonia 292,991 1.05 % 3,041 16 18,280 500 2.0 34 74 % 0.00 %
10 Samoa 225,681 1.48 % 3,299 80 2,830 -1,500 3.8 21 16 % 0.00 %
11 Guam 172,952 0.69 % 1,178 320 540 -500 2.5 30 95 % 0.00 %
12 Kiribati 133,515 1.74 % 2,283 165 810 -400 3.2 22 56 % 0.00 %
13 Tonga 107,773 0.86 % 915 150 720 -800 3.2 22 24 % 0.00 %
14 Northern Mariana Islands 49,796 0.49 % 245 108 460 -50 2.1 38 N.A. 0.00 %
15 American Samoa 43,914 -0.81 % -359 220 200 -790 2.2 29 N.A. 0.00 %
16 Marshall Islands 41,996 1.03 % 427 233 180 0 2.6 26 N.A. 0.00 %
17 Palau 18,058 0.02 % 3 39 460 -20 2.3 36 N.A. 0.00 %
18 Cook Islands 17,044 0.19 % 33 71 240 -93 2.2 33 79 % 0.00 %
19 Nauru 12,780 0.88 % 112 639 20 -140 3.4 20 88 % 0.00 %
20 Wallis & Futuna 11,502 -0.60 % -70 82 140 -119 1.9 37 0 % 0.00 %
21 Tuvalu 11,396 0.74 % 84 380 30 -60 3.1 25 69 % 0.00 %
22 Niue 1,935 0.05 % 1 7 260 0 2.4 36 41 % 0.00 %
23 Tokelau 1,893 1.18 % 22 189 10 0 2.6 27 0 % 0.00 %

Source: Worldometer (www.Worldometers.info)
Elaboration of data by United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision. (Medium-fertility variant).