UPDATES - Graphs - Countries - Death Rate - Incubation - Age - Symptoms
Last updated: November 20, 2023, 01:00 GMT

Coronavirus Cases

There are currently 697,983,986 confirmed cases and 6,939,705 deaths from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak as of November 20, 2023, 01:00 GMT.

For a detailed view see: cases by country and territory.

Graphs on this page:

Currently Infected
Mild Condition
Serious or Critical
Cases with Outcome

The charts below show daily and total case trends. Data is added, and charts updated, after the close of the day (GMT+0).

Total Cases (worldwide)

See also: Data Table by Country

"Total Cases" = total cumulative count (697,983,986). This figure therefore includes deaths and recovered or discharged patients (cases with an outcome).

Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Daily Cases (worldwide)

The spike observed on Feb. 12 is the result, for the most part, of a change in diagnosis classification for which 13,332 clinically (rather than laboratory) confirmed cases were all reported as new cases on Feb. 12, even though they were diagnosed in the preceding days and weeks. We will distribute these cases over the correct period once the analysis being conducted by the WHO with China's NHC is completed. See also: How to interpret the 15,152 (+600%) surge in new cases of February 12
Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Growth Factor of Daily New Cases

Growth factor is the factor by which a quantity multiplies itself over time. The formula used is every day's new cases / new cases on the previous day. For example, a quantity growing by 7% every period (in this case daily) has a growth factor of 1.07.

A growth factor above 1 indicates an increase, whereas one which remains between 0 and 1 it is a sign of decline, with the quantity eventually becoming zero, whereas a growth factor constantly above 1 could signal exponential growth

Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Total Cases excluding mainland China

Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Daily Cases excluding mainland China

Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Growth Factor excluding mainland China

Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Active Cases

By removing deaths and recoveries from total cases, we get "currently infected cases" or "active cases" (cases still awaiting for an outcome).

Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer


Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Outside of China

Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Recovered and Discharged

Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Newly Infected vs. Newly Recovered

(idea by Rudi Roth)
Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Serious and Critical Cases

Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Outcome of Cases (Recovery or Death)

Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer
Source: Worldometer - www.worldometers.info Worldometer

Coronavirus Worldometer Sections:


Data compiled and analyzed by Worldometer and provided by:

  1. National Health Commission (NHC) of the People’s Republic of China
  2. Health Commission of Hubei Province, China